Saturday, February 7, 2009

the benevolent Chairman Mao

The title of this poster is "Chairman Mao is always with us". In Marxist China, religion was outlawed, but it did not squelch the need for an omnipotent ruler - someone who knows that everything will be ok, that we can assign powerful myths to, and give us just a little bit more power in a powerless world.
Identifying with icons helps people to align - align with a sense of belonging and congregate under a protective umbrella of a label.
People would say things like, "I love Chairman Mao with all of my heart", and idealize him into an idealogy.
In the absence of God (or the ability to worship to one) people will beatify a mortal into something superhuman. People would give their lives to Chairman Mao, and really didn't know why other than they knew that they loved him so much.
What do you think of the glow around the Chairman's head? Does it look familiar to anything?


Peter Lawson said...

Reminds me of this new scientist article:

Human's are pretty much hardwired to believe in the supernatural. Doesn't necessarily make it true though!

Tim Ray said...

Gary please stop sending me emails about your products. I received one today about the Photo GPS. Considering how you have treated me, I will not be buying any more of your products.

Paul Witkowski said...

Uh, Tim, what's that have to do with anything on here?