Saturday, December 27, 2008


has different meanings. When I hear motivational tapes, telling people to focus on the positive, to me, that is delusional. I would rather focus on indicators.

I can think positive all I want. I can think positive thoughts that the real estate market is not going to drop dramatically in 2009. But that would ignore the simple fact that 2 million homes have hit foreclosure, four million are in default and about to hit the market, which at liquidation prices will make comparables go down further. Add to that the fact that there are still a lot of mortgages that are going to reset in Q1, 2009.

So I could blow a bunch of sunshine and say, "Hey, think positive! It's going to be fine!" and pretend it. Or I can see the undeniable imbalance of supply to demand in U.S. Real Estate.

I think positive. I am pretty positive that U.S. real estate has really only begun to collapse, and that the U.S. dollar is going to crash. I'm positive of that.


Dixie said...

For me, Thinking positive is not having my head in the sand. (Although I hear Ostrichs dont really do that.)
Thinking positive means that you dont allow "outside forces' get you down to the point where you are frozen. I used to be that way. I used to get so discouraged, I took NO ACTION. Because I was afraid no matter what I did, would result in things being worse. So I froze up. I didnt Ask for help, I didnt do anything, and I just retreated and kept to myself. Then it seemed that thins got worse. And it was like an avalanche. My teachers would pick on me because i was quiet and walked with my head down and then here come the bullies, etc. Next thing you know you want to go just walk in front of a bus. My childhood was like this with Atheists alcoholic parents. I had not much to look forward to except my chores and my next "WHIPPING". Thinking positive allowed me to talk to others, which in turn led to having friends, which in turn led to being invited to things and activiites, which in turn led to self esteem, etc.
What you are speaking of is not just "WISHING" that the economy would improve. That is not realistic and is foolish. But when people getting down about things, and allowing themselves to be crushed under the weight of their worries, makes people grumpy, negative, and which pushes people away from them because NO ONE likes to be around someone negative and miserable. But staying basically positive, in situations, and then going out and putting effort into the things that you do have control over. Well thats all that means.
Some things you can change (Your weight, your health, your personal finances, your life, some things you cant. The president, the economy, the war, etc. Just knowing what you can change and cannot change. Its called the SERENITY PRAYER.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference."
Happiness is not waiting until the storm passes to be happy, but learning to dance in the rain."
Many people have been prisioners of war, and had horrible atrocities happen to them, and they still found a way to think positive. (Thinking of their kids, wife, life back home, and endruing one more day, until the day comes that they are finally freed. Whatever outlook you have on life, you will find proof everyday that you are right. Whether you choose to see misery, or opportunity and joy. Its all up to what you see, is what you get.
I choose to see the good. I chose Peace and Joy. Its a CHOCIE and it works.

Melissa Carl said...


wow, you just confirmed my thoughts on the difference between Gary and the rest of us. I have thought this for some time now, but your first part about how "outside forces" get you down to the point where you are frozen, made me see that Gary REALLY IS different.

See..he is more motivated when he sees something bad or negative. It puts a fire under his ass and he moves faster and makes better decisions according to what he predicts will happen in the near future. He needs that negative information to tell him where to move next or what to work on next. It actually makes him more successful. If things seem all fluffy and peaceful and perfect, then he has no reason to take new action and make changes. He would get stuck in the "comfortable" phase and never move forward. If everything is all happy and positive, or if he were to put blinders on and not read the paper or watch the news and just let his feelings inside stay more positive and "safe" then there would be no reason to move in a new direction to make things right.

He literally uses fear in a way to motivate him. Most of us get discouraged, run down, feeling defeated and then we freeze up and do nothing. Not Gary. He uses that info as a huge wake up call and he takes action. It makes him move faster and pay more attention to his business decisions. As if he is getting as far away from it as he can. Positioning himself in a place that he will be affected the least.

I guess you have to live with him to understand. I am probably not doing a good job explaining it.

I just know that he is very different from most people and it's hard for him to understand this "keep bad news out of your life" kind of living because THAT is the news that has made him successful. Maybe it's like playing chess. You wouldn't want your opponent to keep the words "check" from you. right? Check is kind of a negative thing in the chess world. It means you are about to lose if you don't take action. So Gary thinks when you don't watch the economic forecast everyday, you are basically telling your opponent to keep quiet and not alert you when you are in check.

Dixie said...

Good Point Melissa, thanks for clarifying. Thanks

codyjbennett said...

interesting comparative thoughts...

my take: even through great adversity (our economy and what is/will be happening), great things will come about. There is positive to each dark cloud (rain is coming after a drought).

Gary, you might find an interesting find; he (and some other guys) compile some fascinating articles written well that helps to keep a finger on the pulse without having to read every article that comes across

I'd love to know of other tools you use to help get a better perspective for making decisions...


Lucia Photography said...

We still have all those Atl-A and Option Arm mortgages that need to reset..

Lucia Photography said...

Whoops I posted this in the wrong post ;-/...

For this post I meant to post....

Have you ever heard of the saying

You are either pulled by a vision or a dream or pushed by fear.

I'd rather live my life being pulled by a dream...but the reality is often Im pushed by fear..and thats my constant struggle..

Gary Fong, Author said...

OK this is going to sound weird, but I'm not sure what people mean when they say they "dream" about a goal. I mean, I daydream really well, imagine myself in the situation I desire in my mind's eye. But I don't know that I would say I have "dreams" of something happening. I kind of see life coming at me with wonderful unpredictability.

QVisuals said...

I'm curious to know what you intend to do in your personal life based on your positive thinking. What will be your course of action in such a dire future? What comes after the "positive thinking"?